Birds and Animals
I believe that when we immerse ourselves in nature the process allows us to reconnect to aesthetic beauty.. We reconnect to our beginnings, our fundamental experience of what life means. Any time spent encountering special moments of oneness with the planet, birds, animals, all living creatures and all that is around us is undoubtedly time well spent and is good for the soul. As a photographer, I feel the privilege of representing some of these unique and fleeting moments when I capture images of birds and animals.
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The Boss
There's always a fight for the prime locations in Brighton! The iconic remains of The West Pier sit in the background.
The bright joyous song of the Robin welcomes in the Spring.
Switch Back
Late afternoon low tide reflections on Lancing beach.
Admiring The View
A riverside companion on my walk along The Adur. Stonechats are forever one step ahead of you!
High As A Kite
We are lucky to have such a rising population of Red Kites in the South East of England. It always lifts the spirits to se them soaring and gliding through our skies…
These birds fascinate me…one of natures biggest cheats. Reed Warblers beware!
Positively Prehistoric
Swans are such magnificent creatures. I love how the textures here are reminiscent of a reptiles skin.
Just A Daydreamer
A Great Spotted Woodpecker basks in the sunlight in the woodland.
Little Dreamer
It’s a big new world for this super cute fledgling Little Owl. Our abundant and beautiful British countryside is full of surprises!
Deep In Thought
I love all Owls equally but Little Owls are a special favourite due to their inquisitive characterful expressions….