Well, what can I say? I'm more than a bit crazy for bokeh! Bokeh is the out of focus background blur of the image. The crazier the better for me! I am able to achieve soft out-of-focus backgrounds to their maximum by the use of old manual vintage lenses of many different manufacturers.
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The low evening light on this Dogwood bud brings to my mind an illuminated flickering candle.
Pond Life
The ever shifting shapes as a Bulrush dispenses it's seeds to bring about new beginnings.
Admiring The View
A riverside companion on my walk along The Adur. Stonechats are forever one step ahead of you!
The bright joyous song of the Robin welcomes in the Spring.
Bamboo Bokeh
Catching the light with a 1960’s vintage lens.
Life Force
Nature is bold and beautiful as Spring approaches....
Into the forest.. Autumn is an abundant time and everything is covered on moss. A magical time of year!
Curling wild carrots….such intricate and delicate flower heads…..